European Association of Registrars (EVS) mourns its president

Mr. Jürgen Rast, who passed away on 26th March 2017 at the age of 70 years.
Mr. Jürgen Rast was elected as President of the European Association of Registrars (EVS) in October 2014. The European idea was always a matter of heart to him. Preserving and expanding was his maxim.

It is worth remembering at this point, the contact with the Spanish and Estonian associations.
We commemorate our President Jürgen Rast and remember the time we were able to spend together with him.
Our thoughts are with his whole family.

European Association of Registrars (EVS)


Simon Rijsdijk                     Paride Gullini                        Gerhard Bangert
Vice president                     Vice president                      General secretary
Netherlands                         Italy                                      Germany

European Association of Registrars (EVS)


Bundesverband der Deutschen
und Standesbeamten
(BDS) Bahnhofstr. 14
36364 Bad Salzschlirf