The Association of Registrars of Scotland
The Association of Registrars of Scotland
The Association of Registrars of Scotland (AROS) was established over 150 years ago in 1865, 10 years after statutory registration began in Scotland. AROS is the oldest association of its kind in Europe and possibly in the world. Membership is only available to those that are employed in the registration service and retired staff.
AROS is managed by an Executive Council consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Minute Secretary and 9 Members of Council. The President holds a term spanning 3 years after which he or she retires and the Vice-President takes over the role. All Members of the Executive Council are elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Much of the work done by AROS relates to consultation with the National Records of Scotland (NRS), which is based in Edinburgh. Every year seems to bring new legislation, some minor but some that is much more significant. AROS has had the privilege, on more than one occasion, of appearing before the Scottish Parliament to give evidence and opinion on how new legislation will affect the service. AROS has been very successful in contributing towards a workable and customer friendly registration system. Generally, at any given time, there is at least one working group meeting to consider legislation changes, new technology or new working practices. New technology is usually developed with the assistance of AROS members and subsequently piloted by them to ensure the system works well.
Eighty years ago a professional examination was introduced and became another major part of the work of the association. All registration staff work towards gaining the ‘Certificate of Proficiency in the Law & Practice of Registration in Scotland’. AROS provides a very professional workshop every October for those candidates who intend to sit their examination. The examination is held each March and November and the successful candidates are awarded their certificates at the Annual General Meeting of the Association held each May. The Board of Examiners consists of representatives from AROS, NRS and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).
AROS has its own website – – where members are informed of the actions of the Executive Council of AROS and various other matters. Attendances at EVS congresses and meetings are reported in full with extensive information being given on the theme of the congress.
The principal office bearers are currently
Fiona Blair, President
Liz Ferguson, Vice-President
Cathy Dunlop, Honorary Secretary
Marion Pilip, Honorary Treasurer
Louise Findlay, Minute Secretary
Jackie Doyle, Members of Council